Abstract: As you might expect, we're intensely focused on security in all that we do at Duo. We are entrusted with not only securing our own digital assets and infrastructure but helping customers protect theirs as well. The nature of our business demands a significant amount of operational maturity and we're constantly fielding questions about our information security policies/practices. We aim to be transparent whenever possible and this occasionally leads to difficult conversations when dealing with customers bound by specific compliance requirements or internal processes that don't map directly to our way of doing things. Our operations team exists because our engineering team was growing too fast to maintain the previously flat reporting structure and we split the group up by specialization. We're developers focused on the infrastructure that underpins our service and the overall robustness of the solutions we provide. We deploy software when it's ready, trust but verify when it comes to providing production access, and actively distance ourselves from the notion of having individuals managing infrastructure in a bubble waiting for change request tickets to come through. This is occasionally somewhat surprising to customers and auditors alike (yes, even in 2015) and we've learned a lot over the years in terms of how to follow best practices without negatively impacting our ability to execute and innovate.


Speaker: Sterling Windmill, Duo Security

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