Paris 14-15 April 2015 - sponsor

Platinum sponsors

We greatly value sponsors for this open event. If you are interested in sponsoring drop us an email.

Packages Startup Silver Gold Platinum
Conditions < 3 years old
< 10 people
< 500k € turnover
Unlimited Max: 5 Max: 3
Price 750 € 1500 € 4000 € 6000 €
Free tickets 2 2 4 6
Logo on website Yes Yes Yes Yes
Logo on programme Yes Yes Yes Yes
Poster in exhibition hall Yes Yes    
Swag on shared table   Yes Yes Yes
Logo in attendee emails     Yes Yes
1 minute Sponsor pitch w/ full audience     Yes Yes
Small table / booth w/ roll-ups     Yes  
Large table / booth in prime placement       Yes
Logo featured on stage       Yes

DevOpsDays is a self-organizing conference for DevOps practitioners that depends on your sponsorships to happen. However, because of the nature of the event, we do not have vendor booths or book product pitches.

Gold and Platinum sponsors do get a table they can hang out at and put materials on for interested people to come visit during breaks, and of course all attendees are welcome to propose any subject they want during the openspaces, but this is not 'that kind of conference' and heavy marketing will probably work against you when trying to make a good impression on the attendees. The best thing to do is send engineers to interact with the experts at DevOpsDays on their own terms.

We also welcome alternative proposals for sponsoring outside the grid above - for example "I want to sponsor the lunch and be listed as a Gold sponsor for a roughly equivalent amount but I need to pay the caterer directly", etc. Please get in touch to discuss these options.

CA Technologies PuppetLabs Microsoft Azure

Gold sponsors

Normation XebiaLabs Red Hat Delphix Chef

Special sponsors

Outscale Automic Timspirit IBM

Silver sponsors

Prologism Mozilla Daily Motion Zenika 10th Magnitude Octo Technology ExoScale Alter Way Theodo Days of Wonder Ikoula

Media sponsors

IT Social O'Reilly