Amsterdam 2015 - Proposal

Gold sponsors

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Mayfly, Dockerize your user stories


In this talk we introduce Mayfly, a user story-centered development platform for continuous delivery, developed and in use at Mayfly leverages container technology to provide engineers with short-lived, isolated development environments for their services.

This talk will provide an overview of the Mayfly architecture, how it works and the technology it uses.

Topics include: - Everything-as-code (Environments, Build pipelines, Definition of Done, ...) - No conflicts on master - No integration testing environment - Open Source


DevOps minded software craftsman with operational skills. Delivering Groovy Java solutions continuously in a test-driven, agile manner. Working on everything development process tooling related, like the Continuous Delivery build pipeline, with the Development Process Innovation team at

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Schuberg Philis Exact ING Quint Dynatrace Pivotal CoScale PuppetLabs Bitbrains Rackspace Apache Cloudstack Xebia Marktplaats (eBay Classifieds) Sonatype BMC Chef Elastic

Silver Sponsors

Sentia RedHat VMware Amazon Web Services Container Solutions Docker

Bronze Sponsors

DevoTeam PCextreme Arista Implicit Explicit keycdn SDL Tellki Inuits leaseweb Do Consultants GitHub

Community sponsors

Startup Amsterdam

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