devopsdays Brasília - location

Information about the venue including address, map/direction, parking/transit, and any hotel group discount codes.


Parque Cidade Corporate’s Convention Center


  • Centro de Convenções
    Edifício Parque Cidade Corporate
    Setor Comercial Sul (SCS), quadra 9, bloco A,
    Asa Sul, Brasília/DF

The Convention Center is located in Asa Sul, Plano Piloto, Brasília/DF and nearby it has:

  • Hotels (in Hotel Sector South / SHS)
  • Restaurants and malls (in the Commercial Sector South / SCS)
  • Points of interest (such as the City Park, TV Tower, Craft Fair/Feira da Torre, Esplanade of Ministries, The Three Powers Square etc)
  • Hospitals (such as Hospital Medical Sector South / SMHS)
  • in the event building: there are also restaurants and paid parking (we’re trying to get discounts for the participants of the event)

Below a reference map: