
DevOps is the most abused term in the industry today with lots of end user confusion driven by purists focus on culture and vendor marketing of their tools. Most of the discussion around DevOps centers on infrastructure automation or application lifecycle automation or about the underlying deployment infrastructure/platform. While these tools are critical to deriving DevOps benefits, there is still confusion about how exactly DevOps is helping organizations. In this talk, we will propose an approach to effective DevOps by focussing on the continuous feedback loop as a critical factor in enabling better and faster software delivery.

As we move into a world of Microservices and containers, traditional DevOps approach becomes more fragmented. An application centric approach to delivery pipelines offers reliable and repeatable automation, leading to real business value. The standard unit of infrastructure automation may have changed from VMs to containers, taking an application centric approach to operations, monitoring and security ensures complete control while allowing rapid innovation. In this talk, we will talk about the value of taking an application centric approach to DevOps automation.

The key element in DevOps is the feedback loop but most of the discussions include feedback as an after thought by putting the focus on culture and tools. In this talk, we will argue that feedback through continuous insights is critical component of DevOps and show how it helps deliver better quality software faster.


Krish Subramanian is SVP of Products and Strategy at CloudMunch overseeing Products, Go To Market Strategy and Business Execution. Prior to joining CloudMunch, Krish was Director for OpenShift Strategy at Red Hat. In the past, he used to be an industry analyst focussed on Cloud Services. He is a strong advocate of Enterprise Digital transformation using Modern Enterprise Model

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