ChatOps: Putting tools at the center of the conversation

Everyone has experienced the frustration of figuring out whether a colleague performed a task. Or worse yet, being the one performing that task and then having to re-type everything you did into a chat channel. Since most of us already use systems like Slack or Hipchat, the solution is simple: just do your work in chat so everyone can see.

In this workshop, Kevin Paulisse will explain and demonstrate how GitHub’s distributed teams use a chat bot, Hubot, as part of their workflow. Beyond displaying pictures of kittens or inserting a “Works On My Machine” badge when those fateful words are typed, Hubot also performs provisioning, builds, deployments, and much more. Come see why Hubot is called the hardest working employee at GitHub!

Following the overview and demonstration, ample time will be provided for Q&A and group discussion.



Kevin Paulisse

Kevin Paulisse has worked in systems engineering, software development, and “DevOps” for 20 years. He has been a Site Reliability Engineer at GitHub for two years, where he works on ...