WordPress Goes Serverless

What can WordPress gain from Serverless Architecture?

WordPress is the most widely used CMS and a prime target for that reason. Going Serverless means there’s no Dashboard to hack and sites can now serve millions of hits per day with zero downtime or bottlenecks. This approach to hosting is more secure and scalable than any traditional web hosting product at a fraction of the cost.

I would like to demonstrate the benefits and how-to of taking WordPress Serverless. This would include a basic level understanding of what Serverless is, limitations, benefits, and tools available

My team has developed a SaaS product for this called, Shifter. Built entirely on AWS, we use the Serverless Framework, AWS Lambda, Docker and more to make this possible.



Daniel Olson


Currently COO at DigitalCube, a WordPress solutions company based in Japan.

I work with a team providing managed web hosting support for eCommerce clients, large media organizations, and higher
