devopsdays Tokyo - propose

Call for proposals is TBD

Although the primary audience for this conference is engineers, we’re looking for a mix of technical and cultural talks that relate to the central conference theme: DevOps for Japan.

There are two types of sessions planned:

  • Regular talk; these will be either full- (45 minute) or half-length (20 minutes) talks.
  • Lightening talk; these are presented in during a lightening talk session. They are 5 minute slots.

To submit a talk, please use the confengine site:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email [email protected]



  • 通常のセッション:45分(フルセッション)もしくは20分(ハーフセッション)
  • ライトニングトーク:ライトニングセッションを構成するもので、各々の発表は5分となります。 登壇をご希望の方は、次のリンクを通して申請をしていただきたく。