devopsdays Austin - Propose

Call for proposals opens Monday, Jan 28, 2019.
Call for proposals closes Thursday, Feb 28, 2019.
Selected proposals will be announced on Monday, Mar 11, 2019.

How Do I Submit a Talk?

Submit a Proposal via Papercall!


The theme for devopsdaus Austin 2019 is Pragmatic DevOps. We want to hear your stories of how you succeeded or failed along your journey. Help us learn through your experiences. Preference will be shown to DevOps practitioners talking about their stories, their problems, and their approaches. The best kind of talk says “as an X, I had the problem Y, and here’s how I addressed it, and here’s the results both good and bad.”


The three types of talk format we are accepting this year are:

  • Regular. This is a 35 minute talk. We are looking for talks by those that can share pragmatic steps or advice as well as discuss their own journey. One of the two content tracks will be Regular talks.
  • Conversation (new). This is a 20 minute presentation in the morning AND an open space you host on the topic that same afternoon. This abridged format takes the Q&A and in depth technical demo portions of a talk that are problematic in a large crowd to the open space and furthers the conversation with highly engaged attendees. We hope you will try this out! The second content track will be Conversations, and we can fit 2x as many of these in as we can fit Regular talks.
  • Lightning Talk. This is a 20-slide, auto-advancing, 5 minute talk. Tons of fun and a huge audience favorite. We squeeze in as many of these as we can!