devopsdays Edinburgh


Devopsdays is coming to Edinburgh!

Other Edinburgh Events
2017   2018   

Thursday, Oct 17, 2019 - Friday, Oct 18, 2019
View the program.
Check out the speakers!

Where better than Edinburgh, capital city of Scotland, to hold a devopsdays conference? Scotland has a long history of innovation in the fields of science, engineering, literature, the arts, medicine and more. The language of science and engineering is indebted to Scotland due to luminaries such as James Watt and Lord Kelvin. Modern life is full of Scottish inventions from the television we watch and the phones we communicate with, to the tarmac we drive on. Almost every day of our lives is affected by Scottish inventions and discoveries. Some of the world's most beloved stories such as Treasure Island, Peter Pan, Jekyll and Hyde, Harry Potter and Sherlock Holmes have strong links to Scotland. Modern economics was founded by Adam Smith through his seminal work The Wealth of Nations, and the field of Medicine would be unrecognisable without the Scottish invention of hypodermic syringes, general anaesthetic, the discovery of penicillin and much, much more.

And let's not forget the whisky!*

Scotland has a culture of openess and inclusivity. This is very important to the organisers of devopsdays Edinburgh. All attendees and sponsor staff will be required to abide by our Code of Conduct. Devopsdays Edinburgh welcomes everyone who respects other people's health, comfort and safety.

*But please forget the deep-fried Mars bar - it was a joke, OK?

Unicorn logo designed by Deborah Mullen (@debsmooth)