How to fix "Test Automation" to make DevOps faster with better, faster, and more trustworthy quality

From years in the trenches of “test automation,” I found it broken by inefficiency, poor communication, and quality risk. I discovered and recorded the patterns of MetaAutomation to fix it and make quality feedback much faster, more reliable, richer, and more valuable across the larger team and distributed teams. The most fundamental change is to take a pattern that we all use in our daily lives, and apply it as we drive and measure the SUT to record all that valuable data and make it available to other parts of the quality automation problem space in a way that isn’t possible with the practices of today. The presentation will include a theoretical overview of this and the other three specific changes and recommendations for the short term and the long term to be more effective in driving DevOps decisions. I will be giving away four of my recent books on MetaAutomation.



Matt Griscom

Matt Griscom has 30 years’ experience creating software including innovative test automation, harnesses, and frameworks. Two degrees in physics primed him to seek the big picture in any setting. This ...